Published and effective as of October 14, 2024.



1.1. Affiliate” means, for a Party, any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the Party, where “control” means the direct or indirect power to direct the affairs of an entity, voting power, or economic or contractual interest or otherwise.

1.2Agreement” means these General Terms, the Sales Order, and the Data Processing Addendum.

1.3Claim” means a claim, action, complaint, or legal regulatory body, administrative or judicial proceeding filed against a Party.

1.4Confidential Information” means any non-public or proprietary information about a disclosing Party’s business related to technical, commercial, financial, employee, or planning information that is disclosed to the other Party in connection with their business relationship, and (A) is identified in writing as confidential at the time of disclosure; or (B) by its nature confidential or the receiving Party knows, or should reasonably know is confidential. Any Technology and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of and all Customer Data shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of Customer. “Confidential Information” does not include information that: (1) has become public knowledge through no fault of the receiving Party; (2) was known to the receiving Party, free of any confidentiality obligations, prior to its disclosure by the disclosing Party; (3) becomes known to the receiving Party, free of any confidentiality obligations, from a source other than the disclosing Party; (4) is independently developed by the receiving Party without the use of Confidential Information; (5) information that comprises Unlawful Content subject to legally required reporting obligation (e.g. child exploitation material) and any information provided in connection with such a report that is required or authorized by law (e.g. User name, email address, upload timestamp, and IP address).

1.5 “Content Files” means assets provided by as part of the On-Demand Services. 

1.6Customer” means the entity identified herein and within the Sales Order as “Customer”, “Client”, or otherwise identified in the Sales Order as the end user customer.

1.7Customer Data” means any (i) information or (ii) material, such as audio, video, text, or images, that are imported into the On-Demand Services by or on behalf of Customer from Customer’s internal data stores or third-party data providers and is used in connection with Customer’s use of the On-Demand Services. Customer Data includes “Customer Content” if referenced in the Agreement.

1.8 “Customer Site(s)” means any current or future website or application that is owned and operated by Customer, or is hosted or operated by a third-party or Adobe on Customer's behalf, and that contains a privacy policy or terms of use governing data collection practices that Customer controls. 

1.9 “Data Privacy Claim” means a Claim arising from (a) a Party’s failure to comply with the applicable data security and privacy laws as clarified by the roles, responsibilities and obligations set forth in the applicable Data Processing Addendum or (b) Customer’s failure to comply with section 3.5 (Third-Party Providers) or Customer’s terms of use and privacy policy.

1.10 “Data Processing Addendum” means the Data Processing Addendum found here or as otherwise agreed between the Parties.

1.11Documentation” means the applicable technical specification and usage documentation for the On-Demand Services as such materials are made generally available on “Documentation” does not include any third-party content posted to or, content published in user forums hosted or moderated by, content related to any future functionality, or communications exchanged between and Customer, unless such communications are specifically incorporated by reference within the applicable Sales Order.

1.12End Use” means Customer’s use into which the Content Files are embedded.” means Inc., an Adobe, Inc. company.

1.14 “ Technology” means technology owned by or licensed to by a third-party (including the On-Demand Services, reports, software tools, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, architecture, toolkits, plug-ins, objects and Documentation, network designs, processes, know-how, methodologies, trade secrets, and any related intellectual property rights throughout the world), and feedback made to that are incorporated into any of the foregoing (which are hereby irrevocably assigned to, as well as any of the modifications, or extensions of the above, whenever or wherever developed. 

1.15 “Indemnified Party” means (i) Customer when is the Indemnifying Party and (ii) when Customer is the Indemnifying Party. 

1.16Indemnified Technology” means On-Demand Services paid for by Customer.

1.17 “Indemnifying Party” means(i) with respect to Claims (a) arising from’s failure to comply with the applicable data security and privacy laws as clarified by the roles, responsibilities and obligations set forth in the applicable Data Processing Addendum or (b) arising under section 10.2 (Intellectual Property Claims); and (ii) Customer with respect to Claims arising from Customer’s failure to comply with (a) the applicable data security and privacy laws as clarified by the roles, responsibilities and obligations set forth in the applicable Data Processing Addendum, (b) section 3.5 (Third-Party Providers); or (c) Customer’s terms of use and privacy policy.

1.18 “License Term” means the earlier of the duration of the license for On-Demand Services as stated in the Sales Order, or any shorter term arising from a termination or expiration of this Agreement. 

1.19 “On-Demand Services” means the technology services hosted by or on behalf of and provided to Customer, as set out in the Sales Order. 

1.20 “Party”or “Parties”means or Customer, or both, as applicable.

1.21 “Sales Order” means the sales order form (Exhibit A attached hereto) or other written document for the On-Demand Services that is executed between and Customer. 

1.22 “Sample Files” means the audio, visual, video, or other content files for use in tutorials, demonstrations, and for other trial purposes, which may be identified as sample files. 

1.23 “Sensitive Personal Data” means an individual’s financial information, sexual preferences, medical or health information protected under any health data protection laws, biometric data (for purposes of uniquely identifying an individual), personal information of children protected under any child protection laws (such as the personal information defined under the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”)) and any additional types of information included within this term or any similar term (such as “sensitive personal information” or “special categories of personal information”) as used in applicable data protection or privacy laws. 

1.24 “User” means an individual (either an employee or temporary worker of Customer) who may use or access the On-Demand Services on behalf of Customer. 


2.1 Payment. Customer must pay the fees according to the payment terms in the Sales Order. All invoices will only be delivered electronically to Customer. may charge interest at a monthly rate equal to the lesser of 1% per month or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law on any overdue fees, from the due date until the date the overdue amount (plus applicable interest) is paid in full. Any fees that are unpaid as of the date of termination or expiration will be immediately due and payable. Customer agrees to provide clear indication within its form of payment, or emailing to, as to which invoices payment should be applied no later than the date of payment. If Customer is not a publicly traded corporation, upon's request, Customer will provide the necessary financial documents to allow to ascertain the credit-worthiness of Customer.

2.2 Failure to Pay. If Customer fails to pay any amount due under this Agreement according to the payment terms in the Sales Order (and not disputed as described in section 2.3), will send Customer a reminder notice. If Customer fails to pay within 15 days of the date of the reminder notice, may, in its sole discretion, terminate the applicable Sales Order or suspend or restrict the provision of any and all On-Demand Services. 

2.3 Disputes. If Customer believes in good faith that has incorrectly billed Customer, Customer must contact in writing within 30 days of the invoice date, specifying the error. Unless Customer has correctly notified of the dispute, Customer must reimburse’s reasonable collection costs. Customer must pay the undisputed portions of’s invoice as required by this Agreement. 

2.4 Taxes. Prices do not include applicable taxes. will invoice Customer for any applicable taxes, and Customer must pay these taxes. Where applicable, Customer must provide a tax-exemption claim to before placing an order. If Customer is required to withhold income taxes from its payment to, Customer agrees to send an official tax receipt within 60 days of payment to 


3.1 License Grant for On-Demand Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, grants Customer for its direct beneficial business purposes, during the License Term, a non-transferable, non-exclusive license, to: 

A. permit Users to access the On-Demand Services through the applicable interfaces;

B. develop and test Customer customizations to evaluate potential configurations of the On-Demand Services; and

C. use the On-Demand Services in accordance with the Documentation.

3.2 License Conditions. Except to the extent expressly permitted under this Agreement, Customer agrees as a condition of the licenses that it must not:

A. use the On-Demand Services in (1) violation of any applicable law or regulation, or in connection with unlawful material (such as material that violates any obscenity, defamation, harassment, privacy, publicity or intellectual property laws); or (2) a manner that would cause a material risk to the security or operations of or any of its customers, or to the continued normal operation of other customers;

B. copy, use, distribute, republish, download, display, transmit, sell, rent, lease, host, or sub-license the On-Demand Services;

C. place advertisement of any products or services through the On-Demand Services;

D. use any data mining or similar data gathering and extraction methods, including data scraping for machine learning or other purposes;

E. circumvent any access or use restrictions;

F. impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent Customer’s affiliation with a person or entity;

G. offer, use, or permit the use of the On-Demand Services in a computer service business, third-party outsourcing service, on a membership or subscription basis, on a service bureau basis, on a time-sharing basis, as part of a hosted service, or on behalf of any third-party;

H. attempt to interact with the operating system underlying the On-Demand Services, or modify, create derivative works of, adapt, translate, reverse engineer (including monitoring or accessing the inputs and output flowing through a system or an application), decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover within any Technology, the source code, data representations, or underlying algorithms, processes and methods. (This restriction will not apply to the extent it limits any non-waivable right Customer may enjoy under applicable law);

I. remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary notices associated with the On-Demand Services;

J. allow third parties to, use the On-Demand Services (or any content, data, output, or other information received or derived from the On-Demand Services) to directly or indirectly create, train, test, or otherwise improve any machine learning algorithms or artificial intelligence systems, including any architectures, models, or weights;

K. use any software components, modules, or other services that may be delivered with the On-Demand Services, but which are not licensed to Customer and identified in the Sales Order; or

L. share its login IDs and passwords, or allow use of the same login ID simultaneously by two or more Users, and Customer is responsible for unauthorized access to its login IDs and passwords. reserves all other rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.

3.3 Sample Files. Customer may use Sample Files only for the purpose for which they were provided. Customer may not distribute Sample Files in any way that allows a third party to use, download, extract, or access the Sample Files as a stand-alone file, and the Customer may not claim any rights in the Sample Files. 

3.4 Content Files. 

A. Content Files License. Unless Documentation or specific licenses state otherwise, hereby grants Customer a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable license to use the Content Files to create files for End Use. Customer may modify the Content Files prior to embedding them in the End Use. Customer may reproduce and distribute Content Files only in connection with Customer’s End Use; however, under no circumstances may Customer distribute the Content Files on a stand-alone basis outside of the End Use.

B. Reservations and Claims. does not guarantee the accuracy of Content Files, including any related titles, descriptions, keywords, or other metadata. If Customer has actual knowledge, or if Customer or reasonably believe, that a Content File may be subject to a third-party Claim, then may instruct Customer to cease all use of that Content File, and Customer must promptly comply with’s instructions. Customer will hold harmless, defend at’s request, and pay, at Customer’s expense, any third-party Claim against arising out of or relating to Customer’s End Use in violation of the terms of this Agreement.

3.5 Third-Party Providers. Customer is responsible for complying with any applicable terms and conditions of any third-party data, products, services, and platforms used by Customer in conjunction with the On-Demand Services. Customer acknowledges that at Customer’s request, Adobe may send Customer Data to such third-party providers.

3.6 Regional Service Limitations. Unless use in a Restricted Country is specifically authorized in the Sales Order, Customer is not permitted to use or allow its Users to use the On-Demand Services in any Restricted Country. “Restricted Country” means mainland China, Russia and any other country where access or usage is restricted by local laws. 

3.7 Free Versions. may provide, at no additional cost, access to software or services hosted by or on behalf of and provided to Customer as a shared instance (“Free Versions”). At its option, Customer may use the Free Versions, subject to the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Free Versions will be provided to Customer on an “AS-IS” basis, without warranty, and is not Indemnified Technology.

3.8 Administrators. Customer authorizes its administrator(s) to act on its behalf, including to manage access to the On-Demand Services for the Users, to assign other Users an administrator role, and to have control over its Users’ content and information. Customer is responsible for the administrator’s actions and omissions in connection with the account(s). 

3.9 User License Transfers. Customer may deploy On-Demand Services licensed on a per-User basis only to Users through a unique login ID and password. Customer may not allow the use of the same login ID by two or more Users, nor may Customer deploy the On-Demand Services in any shared license model or similar license deployment (including, but not limited to, floating, generic user, leased, or shift license deployment). Customer may transfer a license from one User to another User without being deemed an additional deployment, subject to any reporting requirements that may be contained in a Sales Order, and the new User then uses a new ID and password. Customer is responsible for all activity that occurs via a User’s account(s). 

3.10 Third-Party Notices. The creators or third-party licensors of certain public standards and publicly available code (“Third-Party Materials”) require that certain notices be passed through to the end users of the On-Demand Services. These third-party notices are located at (or a successor website thereto). The inclusion of these third-party notices does not limit’s obligations to the Customer for Third-Party Materials integrated into the On-Demand Services. 

3.11 Modification. reserves the right to add, modify, update, or discontinue features or capabilities of On-Demand Services. will make reasonable efforts to notify Customer of any (a) discontinuation, or (b) modification or update that, in’s reasonable discretion, is detrimental or results in a diminishment of value to Customer. may provide Customer with a pro-rata refund of prepaid fees or with a service similar to any discontinued On-Demand Service. 

3.12 User-Generated Content. The On-Demand Services may contain user-generated content that is: (A) inappropriate for minors; (B) illegal in some countries; or (C) inappropriate in certain circumstances. If Customer wants to prevent viewing of or access to user-generated content, it should either (1) disable On-Demand Services access, where that functionality is made available; or (2) block access to the On-Demand Services via its network firewall. disclaims liability for all user-generated content available via the On-Demand Services. 


4.1. Use by Affiliates. Where specified in a Sales Order, Customer may allow its Affiliates to use and access the On-Demand Services. 

4.2. Outsourcing and Third-Party Access. Customer may allow a third-party contractor to operate, use or access the On-Demand Services solely on Customer’s behalf, provided such use or access is only for Customer’s direct beneficial business purposes. Customer is solely responsible for implementing the settings, including commenting, editing, access, publication, and ownership settings, for all content, including Customer Data. Customer. If Customer does not want the third party to modify, comment on, or engage with Customer Data, Customer should not Share Customer Data with such third party, or should ensure that the permission settings are properly tailored to the rights Customer authorizes for such third party. Customer is responsible for ensuring that any third-party or Affiliate operating, using or accessing the On-Demand Services on Customer’s behalf complies with the terms of this Agreement. Customer is responsible for and liable for the acts or omissions of such Affiliate or third-party as if they were Customer’s acts or omissions.


5.1. Ownership. As between and Customer, Customer owns (or where applicable, must ensure it has a valid license to) the Customer Data, subject to’s rights under the Agreement.

5.2. Permitted Use. Customer agrees that and its Affiliates may use, copy, transmit, sub-license, aggregate, model, index, store, and display Customer Data for one or more of the following: (1) to perform its obligations under this Agreement; (2) for product improvement and development; (3) to publish and distribute any anonymized information (i.e. information where neither Customer nor its site visitors are capable of being identified, which may be aggregated with other customers’ anonymous information); or (4) to enforce its rights under this Agreement.

5.3. Responsibility. 

A. Customer will conspicuously display a privacy policy that discloses Customer’s privacy practices, identifies the collection, use and sharing of information gathered in connection with the On-Demand Services, including types of data collected, and offers an opportunity to opt out of (or opt-in if applicable law requires) the collection, use and sharing of data gathered in connection with the On-Demand Services.

B. Customer retains complete control over Customer Sites and Customer Data. In connection with Customer’s use of the On-Demand Services (including Customer Sites used with the On-Demand Services and collection and use of all Customer Data), Customer must comply with its privacy policy and all applicable laws and regulations. Customer will take reasonable steps to identify and promptly remove any Customer Data that violates the requirements of section 3.2(A) (“Unlawful Content”), in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If there is Unlawful Content, may suspend services and remove the Unlawful Content.

C. Sensitive Personal Data. Customer may provide Sensitive Personal Data to the On-Demand Services within Customer Data it uploads to the On-Demand Services (as distinct from information provided for purposes of account creation); provided, however, that: (1) Customer has obtained all necessary consents to do so; (2) the provision of such Sensitive Personal Data does not itself subject or any Affiliate to the requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 or the Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), and (3) Customer shall in no event provide Sensitive Personal Data that constitutes Protected Health Information under HIPAA. Except for the purchase of the On-Demand Services, Customer shall not include credit card numbers or authentication data in any Customer Data.

5.4 Consumer Generated Content. If content generated by consumers of Customer is uploaded to’s On-Demand Services, the following terms apply:

A. does not review all content uploaded to On-Demand Services, but may use available technologies or processes to screen for certain types of illegal content (for example, child pornography) or other abusive content or behavior (for example, patterns of activity that indicate spam or phishing); and

B. may access or disclose information about Customer, its consumers, or Customer’s use of the On-Demand Services when it is required by law or regulation (such as when receives a valid subpoena or search warrant).

5.5 Data Storage and Retention. will store Customer Data during the License Term up to any storage limit specified in the admin console. may create reasonable storage limits, such as limits on file size, storage space, and other technical limits. If Customer exceeds those limits, will make reasonable efforts to notify Customer to permit transition of Customer Content prior to deletion. With respect to On-Demand Services, Customer Data may be permanently deleted from’s servers in conformance with’s then current data retention policies and procedures.

5.6 Usage Information. may develop, modify, improve, support, customize, and operate its products and services based on information that collects on Users’ interactions with the On-Demand Services. Such information does not include any Customer Data.


6. Collaboration Services. If Customer is invited by another individual or organization that is using products and services under a separate agreement with (“Third-Party Account Holder”) to Share or edit Customer Data in a document, space, library, canvas or other collaboration environment controlled by the Third-Party Account Holder (each a “Collaboration Space”), Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Third-Party Account Holder is solely responsible for implementing the settings, including commenting, editing, access, publication and ownership settings, for all content, including Customer Data, in the Collaboration Space. The Third-Party Account Holder will be able to restrict or terminate Customer’s access to the Collaboration Space at any time. If Customer does not want the Third-Party Account Holder to control Customer Data, Customer should not Share or edit Customer Data in a Collaboration Space and should maintain back-up copies of Customer Data. has no responsibility or liability for any loss, use or misuse of Customer Data in a Collaboration Space. Customer acknowledges and agrees that (a) will not be a party to any disputes between Customer and any Third-Party Account Holder; (b) Customer will not seek to make a party to any such dispute, and (c) will have no liability or obligation to either Customer or a Third-Party Account Holder for any content, including Customer Data, subject to such a dispute. “Share” means to email, post, transmit, stream, upload, or otherwise make Customer Data available to a Third-Party Account Holder or other third party through Customer’s use of the On-Demand Services.


7. Compliance Certifications. On-Demand Services’ compliance certifications can be found at or its successor website. If Customer Data is required to be processed or stored in accordance with the requirements of specific compliance certifications, standards, or regulations (“Compliance Measures”), Customer may use the On-Demand Services to process or store Customer Data only if the relevant Compliance Measures are listed at the website above. For the listed Compliance Measures, the On-Demand Services may be used to assist Customer to meet Customer’s legal obligations, including without limitation, use of service providers. Customer is solely responsible for (a) verifying that the On-Demand Services meet all requirements applicable to Customer Data, and (b) complying with any legal obligations applicable to Customer Data.


8.1 Confidentiality. The receiving party will treat Confidential Information with reasonable care and disclose only on a need to know basis or as permitted under this Agreement. The receiving party will only use Confidential Information for the purposes of performing its obligations oras permitted under this Agreement.However, a receiving party may disclose Confidential Information: (a) if approved by the other party in writing; (b) if required by law or regulation; (c) in the event of dispute between the parties, as necessary to establish the rights of either party; or (d) as necessary to provide the On-Demand Services licensed by Customer.In the case of (b) and (c), the receiving party will provide reasonable advance notice to the other party and provide reasonable assistance to limit the scope of the disclosure unless prohibited by law or regulation.

8.2 For the purpose of this section 8 (Confidentiality) and the definition of “Confidential Information”, a reference to a “party” means a Party and its Affiliates. The receiving party is responsible for ensuring that its representatives and Affiliates fully comply with the obligations of the receiving party under this section.

9. Prerelease, Beta, or Free Version(s)

9.1 may provide access to On-Demand Services, or a feature of the On-Demand Services, as a no-cost prerelease, early access, or beta version (“Beta Version”). A Beta Version does not represent the final product and may contain bugs. may choose not to release a commercial version of the Beta Version.

9.2 provides the Beta Version on an “AS-IS” basis., its Affiliates, and third-party providers disclaim and make no representation or warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory, including representations, guarantees or warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, or accuracy. Any warranties specified in the Agreement do not apply to the Beta Version. further disclaims any warranty that (a) the Beta Version will meet Customer’s expectations, requirements, or will be constantly available, uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; (b) the results obtained from the use of the Beta Version will be effective, accurate, or reliable; or (c) any errors or defects in the Beta Version will be corrected. disclaims all liability of any kind for Customer’s use of the Beta Version. Customer must promptly cease using the Beta Version and destroy all copies of the Beta Version if requests the Customer to do so. may develop, modify, improve, support, customize, and operate its products and services based on Customer’s use, as applicable, of any Beta Versions.

9.3 Free Version. may provide, at no additional cost, access to software or technology services hosted by or on behalf of and provided to Customer as a shared instance (“Free Version”). At its option, Customer may use the Free Version, subject to the terms of this Agreement and any additional clickthrough terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Free Version will be provided to Customer on an “AS-IS” basis without warranty and is not Indemnified Technology.


10.1 Data Privacy Claims.

A. Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. Both Parties will co-operate in good faith to avoid and mitigate Data Privacy Claims keeping in consideration the rights of affected data subjects and the reputation of each Party. The Parties agree to provide each other reasonable assistance in investigating, mitigating, and resolving any Data Privacy Claim(s). Any information and materials exchanged or discovered in the course of such investigations, mitigation and resolution will be the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information.

B. Data Privacy Claims. Indemnifying Party will at its expense indemnify and defend the Indemnified Party against those losses of the Indemnified Party set out below in this section 10.1(B) to the extent: (1) permitted by law; and (2) directly attributable to a third-party Data Privacy Claim against the Indemnified Party:

i. settlement amounts negotiated by Indemnifying Party;

ii. damages finally awarded by a court;

iii. administrative fines or penalties imposed by a regulatory authority;

iv. reasonable attorneys’ fees; and

v. reasonable out-of-pocket expenses associated with satisfying applicable statutory requirements related to forensic analysis, credit monitoring, and notifying affected individuals of the incident giving rise to the Data Privacy Claim, as applicable.

C. Exception. Indemnifying Party will have no liability for or obligation to defend any Data Privacy Claim to the extent such Claim arises from any act or omission of Indemnified Party that impedes or prevents Indemnifying Party’s ability to comply with applicable data security and privacy laws.

10.2 Intellectual Property Claims

A.’s Obligations. will defend, at its expense, any third-party Claim against Customer made during the License Term to the extent the Claim alleges that (1) the Indemnified Technology directly infringes the third-party’s patent, copyright, or trademark; or that (2) has misappropriated the third-party’s trade secret (“Infringement Claim”). will pay any damages finally awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction (or settlement amounts agreed to in writing by

B.’s Response. In the defense or settlement of any Infringement Claim, may, at its sole option and expense: 

i. procure for Customer a license to continue using the Indemnified Technology under the terms of this Agreement;

ii. replace or modify the allegedly infringing Indemnified Technology to avoid the infringement; or

iii. where (i) or (ii) are not reasonably or commercially feasible, terminate Customer’s license and access to the Indemnified Technology (or its infringing part) and refund any prepaid unused fees as of the date of termination, but only if Customer destroys all copies of the alleged infringing Indemnified Technology from all computer systems on which it was stored.

C. Exceptions. will have no liability for any Infringement Claim that arises from any: 

i. use of the Indemnified Technology in violation of this Agreement;

ii. modification of the Indemnified Technology by Customer (or any third-party acting on Customer’s behalf);

iii. failure by Customer to install the latest updated version of the Indemnified Technology as requested by to avoid infringement; or

iv. third-party products, services, hardware, software, or other materials, or combination of these with the Indemnified Technology, if the Indemnified Technology would not be infringing without this combination.

10.3 Other Claims. Customer will, at its expense, defend or settle any third-party Claim against Adobe to the extent it arises from Customer’s breach of section 3.5 (Third-Party Providers).

10.4 Conditions. Indemnifying Party, as applicable, will have no liability for any Claim under section 10.1, 10.2, or 10.3 that arises from any failure of Indemnified Party to:

A. notify Indemnifying Party in writing of the Claim promptly upon the earlier of learning of or receiving a notice of it, to the extent that Indemnifying Party is prejudiced by this failure;

B. provide Indemnifying Party with reasonable assistance requested by Indemnifying Party for the defense or settlement (as applicable) of the Claim;

C. provide Indemnifying Party with the exclusive right to control and the authority to settle the Claim; or

D. refrain from making admissions or statements about the Claim without Indemnifying Party’s prior written consent.

10.5 Sole and Exclusive Remedy. The remedies in this section 10 (Indemnities) are, in addition to any termination or suspension remedies expressly set forth in this Agreement, Indemnified Party’s sole and exclusive remedies and Indemnifying Party’s sole liability regarding the subject matter giving rise to any Claim, including any claims regarding confidentiality obligations involving Customer Data and Customer Content that may arise from an incident resulting in a Data Privacy Claim (notwithstanding anything to the contrary in section 11.3(B)). 

10.6 No Exclusion of Mandatory Law. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to supersede any applicable law that would preclude Customer from providing an indemnification under this Section 10.


11.1 Subject to section 11.3, neither Party will be liable to the other Party for any special, indirect, moral, consequential, incidental, punitive, or exemplary damages; loss of profits; loss of reputation, use, or revenue; or interruption of business. This section 11.1 does not apply to those amounts expressly recoverable by the Indemnified Party under section 10 regardless of how such amounts are classified for damages purposes.

11.2 Subject to section 11.3, the maximum aggregate liability of each Party arising out of or related to this Agreement is limited to an amount equal to the aggregate of the fees payable by Customer under the applicable Sales Order during the 12 months before the initial Claim, provided however, each Party’s maximum aggregate liability arising out of or related to section 8 (Confidentiatlity) and section 10 (Indemnities) are limited to the greater of $1,000,000.00 or two times the aggregate of the fees payable by Customer under the applicable Sales Order.

11.3 Sections 11.1 and 11.2 (Limitation of Liability):

A. apply regardless of the form or source of liability, including negligence, whether the liability was foreseeable, and whether a Party has been advised of the possibility of the liability;

B. do not apply to Customer’s liability arising out of use of Technology beyond the scope of any license granted under this Agreement, or Customer’s failure to pay any amounts owing to under this Agreement; and

C. do not apply to either Party’s liability for (i) death, bodily injury, or damage to tangible personal property resulting from a Party’s negligence; (ii) gross negligence or willful misconduct; (iii) fraud; or (iv) loss or damage for which liability cannot be excluded or limited by law.


12.1 Limited Warranty and Remedy for On-Demand Services. warrants that the On-Demand Services, as delivered to Customer, will substantially conform to the applicable Documentation during the License Term, to the extent that the On-Demand Services constitute Indemnified Technology. Customer must notify of a claim under this warranty within 45 days of the date on which the condition giving rise to the claim first appeared. To the extent permitted by law, Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy and’s sole liability under or in connection with this warranty will be a replacement of the (as applicable), or if replacement is not commercially reasonable, a termination of the applicable On-Demand Service or Managed Service and a refund of any pre-paid fees for the unused portion of the license (calculated at the date of termination) for the applicable On-Demand Service or Managed Service. 

12.2 Implied Warranties. To the maximum extent permitted by law and except for the express warranties in this Agreement, provides the On-Demand Services on an "as-is" basis., its Affiliates, and third-party providers disclaim and make no other representation or warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory, including representations, guarantees or warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, or accuracy. Customer acknowledges that (A) neither, its Affiliates nor its third-party providers controls Customer equipment or the transfer of data over communications facilities (including the Internet); (B) the On-Demand Services may be subject to limitations, interruptions, delays, cancellations, and other problems inherent in the use of the communications facilities (including search engines and social media channels); and (C) it is fully responsible to install appropriate security updates and patches., its Affiliates, and its third-party providers are not responsible for any interruptions, delays, cancellations, delivery failures, data loss, content corruption, packet loss, or other damage resulting from these problems. 


13.1 may, at its expense and no more than once every 12 months, verify that Customer’s use, installation, and deployment of the On-Demand Services (or other Technology used in conjunction with the On-Demand Services) comply with the terms of this Agreement. The verification will require Customer to provide within 30 days of request (A) all valid payment documentation for the On-Demand Services; and (B) any information reasonably requested by to determine Customer’s use of the On-Demand Services.

13.2 If the verification provided in accordance with section 13.2 above is not sufficient to demonstrate Customer’s compliance with the Agreement, may conduct an onsite audit at Customer’s relevant places of business upon 14 days’ prior notice, during regular business hours, and will not unreasonably interfere with Customer’s business activities. Such verification may be conducted by an appointed independent third party.

13.3 If any verification shows Customer is using the On-Demand Services (or other Technology used in conjunction with the On-Demand Services): (A) beyond the quantity that was legitimately licensed; or (B) in non-compliance with this Agreement, so that additional fees apply, without limiting’s rights at law or in equity, will invoice Customer accordingly and Customer must pay the additional fees within 30 days of invoice date. If use, deployment, or installation exceeds 5% of that which is permitted under this Agreement, Customer must pay’s reasonable costs of conducting the verification, in addition to paying the additional fees. Any information shared between the Parties during such verification is considered Confidential Information.


14.1 Term. This Agreement applies to each of the On-Demand Services from the effective date of the Sales Order until the expiration of the applicable License Term, unless terminated earlier under this Agreement. 

14.2 Termination for Cause

A. Material Breach by Either Party. If either Party commits a material breach of this Agreement, the non-breaching Party may give written notice describing the nature and basis of the breach to the breaching Party. If the breach is not cured within 30 days of the notice date, the non-breaching Party may immediately terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part. 

B. Other Breaches. may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, immediately upon written notice to Customer, if required by law; or Customer breaches section 3.2(H) of these General Terms. 

14.3 Effect of Termination or Expiration.

A. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or any License Term for the On-Demand Services:

i. the licenses and associated rights to the On-Demand Services will immediately terminate;

ii. Customer must, at its expense, remove all references and links to the On-Demand Services from the Customer Sites. Some or all of the On-Demand Services may cease to operate without prior notice upon expiration or termination of the License Term; and

iii. Customer Data stored within the On-Demand Services will be available to Customer for 30 days after the termination or expiration in the same format then available within the reporting interface(s).

B. Customer will be liable for any fees for any On-Demand Services that are still in use or which remain active after termination or expiration of this Agreement. These fees will be invoiced to Customer at the rate set out in the Sales Order.

C. If reasonably determines that Customer’s deployment of the On-Demand Services is causing a material risk to the security or operations of or any of its customers or to the continued normal operation of other customers (each a “Deployment Risk”), then may, at any time, upon written notice to Customer:

i. immediately suspend Customer’s access, in whole or in part, to the On-Demand Services causing the Deployment Risk, until such Deployment Risk is resolved; or

ii. as a final option, where has first used all commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate the Deployment Risk, may terminate the affected On-Demand Services.

14.4 Survival. The termination or expiration of this Agreement will not affect any provisions of this Agreement which by their nature survive termination or expiration, including the provisions that deal with the following subject matters: definitions, payment obligations, confidentiality, term and termination, effect of termination, intellectual property ownership, permitted use, license compliance, limitation of liability, privacy, usage information, and the “General Provisions” section in these General Terms.


15.1 Assignment.

A. Customer may assign this Agreement in its entirety to a surviving person or entity under a merger or acquisition of Customer, upon written notice to if the assignment does not expand the scope of the license granted in the On-Demand Services and if the assignee agrees in writing, for the benefit of, to assume all of Customer’s obligations under this Agreement.

B. may assign this Agreement or delegate its obligations, in whole or in part, to its Affiliates or in connection with a merger, change of control, or acquisition of or the assets of the business to which this Agreement relates, upon written notice to Customer.

C. Except as provided in this section 15.1 (Assignment), Customer may not assign, voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior, written consent of

D. Any (attempted) assignment in derogation of this section will be null and void.

15.2 Governing Law, Venue. This Agreement is governed by and construed under the laws of the state of California, without regard to any conflict of law rules or principles, and excluding the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The Parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of competent jurisdiction in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, provided however, will have the right to pursue Claims against Customer in any other jurisdiction worldwide to enforce its rights under this Agreement or to enforce its intellectual property rights. 

15.3 Force Majeure. Neither Party is liable for failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement (except for any payment obligations) to the extent that performance is delayed, prevented, restricted or interfered with as a result of any causes beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God, terrorism, labor action, fire, flood, earthquake, denial of service attacks and other malicious conduct, utility failures, power outages, or governmental acts, orders, or restrictions. 

15.4 Injunctive Relief. Actual or threatened breach of certain sections of this Agreement (such as, without limitation, provisions on intellectual property (including ownership), license, privacy, data protection and confidentiality) may cause immediate, irreparable harm that is difficult to calculate and cannot be remedied by the payment of damages alone. Either Party will be entitled to seek preliminary and permanent injunctive relief and other equitable relief for any such breach. 

15.5 Notices. Any notice given under this Agreement must be in writing by email to the following addresses (or addresses notified in writing by either Party): (A) to at and (B) to Customer at Customer’s email address stated on the Sales Order. 

15.6 No Agency. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to constitute a fiduciary relationship, agency, joint venture, partnership, or trust between the Parties. No Party has authority to bind the other Party. 

15.7 Customer’s Purchase Order. Any terms or conditions in Customer’s purchase order or any other related documentation submitted by or on behalf of Customer to (or any other party) do not form part of this Agreement and are void, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing and signed by both Customer and 

15.8 Waiver, Modification. Neither Party’s waiver of the breach of any provision constitutes a waiver of that provision in any other instance. This Agreement may not be modified nor any rights under it waived, in whole or in part, except in writing signed by the Parties. 

15.9 Order of Precedence. To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency, the following order of precedence will apply: the Sales Order, the Data Processing Addendum, followed by the General Terms.

15.10 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the Parties relating to the subject matter and supersedes all earlier agreements, understandings, proposals, discussions, negotiations, representations and warranties, both written and oral, regarding the subject matter. 

15.11 Counterpart. This Agreement (or a component) may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which constitutes an original and all of which taken together constitutes the same agreement. Each Party may sign this Agreement using an electronic or handwritten signature, which are of equal effect, whether on original or electronic copies. 

15.12 Severability. If any term of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of the term and this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 

15.13 Trade Sanctions and Export Control Compliance. The On-Demand Services, and Customer’s use of them, are subject to the export controls and sanctions of the United States and other jurisdictions, which may prohibit from providing the On-Demand Services to Customer. Customer is responsible for compliance related to Customer’s use of the On-Demand Services under these laws.

15.14 Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption. Each Party will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, including but not limited to, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The Parties represent that they maintain procedures to ensure compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.

15.15 U.S. Government Licensing. For US Government end users: Customer acknowledges that On-Demand Services are “Commercial Products(s),” and “Commercial Service(s)” as those terms are defined at 48 C.F.R. section 2.101, consisting of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation,” as the terms are used in 48 C.F.R. section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. section 227.7202, as applicable. Customer agrees, consistent with 48 C.F.R. section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. sections 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (A) only as Commercial On-Demand Services; and (B) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.

The prior version of the Terms and Conditions, effective up until October 14, 2024 is available HERE.

The prior version of the Terms and Conditions, effective up until May 15, 2024, is available HERE.

The prior version of the Terms and Conditions, effective up until May 4, 2023, is available HERE.