Elevate your creative workflow to an art form.

Manage all of your media and assets — video, photos, design files, docs, PDFs, and more — on a single secure surface to create and deliver high-quality content faster.

Start Free Trial
Organize everything

Flexible metadata lets you tag, sort, group, and navigate assets by assignee, due date, status, and more to meet your team’s needs.

Connect everyone

With secure, centralized communications that follow the work — eliminating silos by connecting assets to every role from planning to delivery.

Tame the chaos

Leverage popular project templates for video production, social media marketing, and more to bring instant clarity and order to your process.

Organize and prioritize

Tag, sort, and group assets into Collections your way, using out-of-the-box and custom metadata fields.

Frame.io interface screenshot
Lightning-fast file transfers

Move large and numerous assets in quick, secure, orderly fashion across teams and projects from start to finish.

Frame.io interface screenshot
Navigate easily

Panel-based workspaces and nested folder trees make finding everything easier; no more screen hopping.

Frame.io interface screenshot

Experience 2.7x faster review and approval across stakeholders.

Pfeiffer Report


Review with great accuracy and control.

Precise feedback

Provide meaningful feedback with advanced commenting capabilities.

Enhanced reviews

Give everyone full-screen reviews, with super-accurate controls.

Precise feedback

Provide meaningful feedback with advanced commenting capabilities.

Enhanced reviews

Give everyone full-screen reviews, with super-accurate controls.

A central repository

Eliminate guessing with consolidated comments that follow the work.

Premiere Pro integration

Give the editor frame-accurate notes right in their workspace.

A central repository

Eliminate guessing with consolidated comments that follow the work.

Premiere Pro integration

Give the editor frame-accurate notes right in their workspace.

Frame.io reduces churn in reviews by 31%.

International Data Corporation

  • Frame.io interface screenshot
  • Frame.io interface screenshot
  • Frame.io interface screenshot
  • Frame.io interface screenshot
    Curate effectively

    Showcase your work with captivating, client-friendly presentations organized in a way that makes it easy for everyone to review.

  • Frame.io interface screenshot
    Customize extensively

    Elevate presentations with your background image, your colors, your logo, your header and descriptions — so everything is on-brand.

  • Frame.io interface screenshot
    Control completely

    You decide who can view, comment, or even quickly download assets if necessary. And you can easily toggle permissions as needed.

For basic use
Start experiencing Frame.io right now. No credit card required.
Free Plan includes
  • Up to 2 members
  • 2GB storage
  • Up to 2 projects
  • Camera to Cloud
    Takes from the set are instantly uploaded the moment the director yells “cut.” So the rest of the team doesn’t have to be at the shoot to be part of it.
For professionals
per memberper month + tax
Share and present securely, easily, and beautifully.
Everything in Free, plus
  • Up to 5 members
  • 2TB storage
  • Unlimited projects
  • Custom-branded shares
  • Passphrase-protected shares
    Secure your share links with custom passphrases.
  • Share link expiration
    Control how long shared links can be accessed by setting an expiration date.
  • Share permissions
    Disable asset downloads or comments, and hide previous asset versions to secure your content and workflow.
  • Comment attachments
Most popular
per memberper month + tax
Remove blockers to create and deliver high-quality content faster.
Everything in Pro, plus
  • Up to 15 members
  • 3TB storage
  • Restricted projects
  • Internal comments
    Separate internal conversations from conversations with clients and collaborators.
For multiple teams
Industry-leading security, scalability, and admin controls.
Everything in Team, Plus
  • Custom members and storage
  • Single sign-on
  • Multiple team workspaces
    Easily create separate, private Frame.io workspaces for each client, department, production, or brand.
  • Secure sharing
    Send invite-only secure links to specific emails or manage Share access in account setting.
  • Priority in-app support
    Get enhanced support with 24/5 one-hour response time, enterprise-level SLA, escalated bug reporting, and more.
  • Storage Connect
    Connect your own AWS-S3 bucket directly to Frame.io